Band Private Lessons
Private Lessons
With only one in-person weekly rehearsal, it is even more essential for homeschool band members to have a weekly private lesson. Southern Star Band will offer private lessons at the SAGU private lesson rooms, on other weekdays, by music section specialists from brass, woodwind, and percussion. Lessons will be scheduled with the band directors. If a student has an established teacher, they may submit an Out of Program Lesson Teacher Verification Form to Dr. Block each semester. Lessons are required for students. They add tremendous value, form bonds with mentors, and improve playing. Here are some benefits of private lessons:
● Greater accountability: There is no way to escape accountability in a one-on-one lesson. It’s quickly apparent where each student is, whether they practice, and what they need to work on individually. Private lessons teach work ethic and personal discipline.
● One-on-one attention: A private instructor is able to give specific assistance and instruction based on learning styles and personal interests.
● Not dependent on group ability: Private lessons move at the pace of each student. They can progress slowly or quickly depending on the needs and effort of the students.
● Perfects individual skills: Allows the student to be all they can be! Private lessons also allow for individual preparation for region and state contest preparation.
If your student is taking an extra lesson, use this link to pay for the lesson.